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I lavori presenti in questo blog sono opera del mio ingegno. Dichiaro di non esercitare l’attività del commercio al dettaglio di detti articoli in forma professionale, bensì di praticarla in modo sporadico (commercio occasionale) non soggetto quindi alla discipline commerciali contenute nel D. Lgs 114/98, che regola le attività di commercio in forma professionale e continuativa. Dichiaro di rispettare l’applicazione dell’art. 4 comma 2 lettera h del Decreto legislativo del 31 Marzo 1998 n. 114 e di esporre e vendere, in maniera occasionale e saltuaria, oggetti che sono il risultato e l’opera della mia creatività e del mio ingegno. Non sono quindi obbligata ad iscrivermi in nessuno dei Registri presso nessuna Camera di Commercio del Territorio Italiano, obbligatori solo per gli imprenditori commerciali professionali.
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Se fossi interessato a qualcuno dei miei lavori o se desiderassi una creazione personalizzata non esitare a contattarmi.
If you're interested in someone of my creation or if you would like for a costume one, feel free to contact me.
domenica 10 maggio 2015
domenica 3 maggio 2015
Blu embroidery bag/Borsa blu con ricami
Blu is a fashionable and versatile colour with several shades, certainly able to supersede during this season the more glamour black clothing weared during the winter.
When at its full saturation, blue is the cold colour for the excellence. At its clearest brightness, it conveys a sensation of strength and power. As per chromotherapy principles, blue has the property to relax, giving the right balance to the emotions.
The creation I 'm presenting has been realized using a ultramarine blue fabric, very soft and very pleasant to touch. It has been enriched with embroideries and glass beads of a warm shade of golden yellow, a colour intentionally repeated on the inside lining.
I believe that this contrasting effect between a cold and warm colour, defined the nature of this creation, certainly very refined and nice.
Although it's quite capacious, this shoulder bag hasn't wide dimensions.
Inside, a small but very useful little pocket has been added.
I deem that this original bag could be combined with elegant garments, but I also believe it can be freely used with sportswear and informal clothing.
domenica 29 marzo 2015
martedì 10 febbraio 2015
Linen and cotton hearts for Valentine's day!/Cuori in lino e cotone per San Valentino!
For the coming Valentine's Day, I made a hearts series using an old sample collection of linen and cotton fabrics by a prestigious Italian manufacture.
Particularly, I used the angle of each single cut in order to emphasize as much as possible the different types of decorative proposals.
Combining with scraps of hand applied old lace very carefully, I gave a d'antan touch to these romantic creations that now I am happy to show you through some images ...
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

domenica 18 gennaio 2015
Natural dyeing...my first experiment!/Tintura naturale... primo esperimento!
Infatti, oltre ad essere una costumista teatrale, nel corso della sua carriera professionale, Giovanna ha approfondito le sue conoscenze, concentrando la sua attenzione sul Medioevo.
E' nata così una sciarpa calda e morbidissima, che ho ricamato impreziosendo i due estremi, con delle pailletes in tinta. Che ne pensate???
For all the nature-lovers like me, ever looking for new creative experiences, this was a really charming experiment and I surely intend to develop its technique in depth shortly.
I met by chance a dear friend of mine I didn't see for a long time. She's very experienced in her job and she can rely on a specific and skilled know-how.
Giovanna is not only a costume designer, but during her professional career she widened her technical knowledge focusing the attention on the Middle Age.
Currently Giovanna is the person in charge for costumes and she's the master dyer in the Italian group named "Compagnia di Chiaravalle". This association is involved in the strict realizing of historical reconstructions.
You know, nothing happenes by chance and our own knowledge make us fly with the fantasy imaging a future creative cooperation... we'll see what will be!
At the moment, just for fun, we restricted ourselves to realize together an earl experiment which was anyway an exciting experience. Our ally were three balls of bouclè wool, colored using a plant named Reseda luteola.
The bright and deep yellow obtained yarn, literally won me and immediatly arose the desire to give it a shape and a real use.
So was born a warm and very soft scarf, made precious embroidering its ends with colour matched sesquins.
What do you think about?

La sostanza colorante della Reseda si chiama luteolina e si estrae dalla pianta intera (radici escluse).
Etimologia: il nome del genere reseda = calma, che lenisce il dolore, deriva dal latino, come anche quella dell' intera famiglia, le cui piante contengono sostanze calmanti.
Il nome specifico luteola deriva dal latino luteus = giallo per le sue qualità coloranti.
Reseda contains a dyeing substance known as luteolin, extracted from the entire plant (excluding the roots).
Etymology: the genus Reseda and the family of this plants, are named after the Latin word "reseda" (imperative of verb "resedare", by the Latin phrase "reseda morbos" = soothe the pains"). Every plant included in this family contains soothing substances.The species name "luteola" comes from the Latin luteus = yellow, due to its dyeing effect.
The use of Reseda as a dyeing herb, dates from the Roman times and a detailed description of its properties can be found in Plinius.
Its use spread soon also through Europe and Central Asia.
In England, the common people used this herb for centuries to dye the clothes, while in France it was used to color the precious fabrics intended for the creation of dresses for the nobles in Versailles.
It was widely used by the Italian master dyers of the Venetian Doges and it was among the plants of choice to dye the catholic liturgic paraments. In Scotland it was used to dye the Tweed fabric.
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Reseda luteola L. (Reseda biondella)
Sturm, Johann Georg Sturm - Deutschlands Flora Abbildungen (1796).
This image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.