Autumn offers rich opportunities to live in contact with nature.
This is the season of grape and apple harvest and of chestnuts!
Autumn traditionally dyes with warm colours, each of its day. Although shortest and cool, its anyway very pleasant to go for long walks through the woods or the city parks, collecting what the nature generously offers us during this time of the year: pine cones, berries, beech nuts, acorns, branches and inflorescences to be dried.
All these "autumn's gifts" can be used to create compositions suitable to furnish the house during the winter and the Christmas holidays, as doors and table decorations or delicate garlands, for example, to beautify candles.
Qui di seguito, attraverso le immagini di alcune mie recenti creazioni, vi propongo alcune idee, dalle quali potrete trarre ispirazione.
Hereunder, throught the images of some of my recent creations, I propose you some ideas, from which you can draw inspiration.
A presto
Nelle prime tre immagini, a seguire, una piccola panoramica di alcuni dei miei manufatti realizzati con pigne di differenti conifere, tra cui i galbuli del cipresso.
Ho arricchito le mie composizioni con fiocchi in corda, rose in lino, stampi in gesso, elementi decorativi in corteccia e bottoni di legno a forma di stella.
Hereunder, through the following three images, you'll find a little overview of my creations realized using pine cones of different conifers, including the cypress ones known as galbula.
I enriched my compositions with rope bows, linen roses, plastersmolds, embellishments made with bark pieces and star-shaped wooden buttons.
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Questa ghirlanda fuoriporta è stata composta con infiorescenze secche di ortensia, galbuli di cipresso, pigne e fiocchetti di corda.
This outdoor garland has been made with dried inflorescences of Hydrangea, cypress galbula, pine cones and little rope bows.
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Questo è il mio albero di Natale realizzato su un cono di rete metallica con pigne dalle diverse forme.
Ho poi arricchito la composizione con rose in tessuto, rigorosamente handmade, stelle di poliuretano decorate a decoupage con una carta "effetto stracciatella" e per finire con elementi la cui base, in saggina, è tenuta insieme da fiocchi di rete dorata ornata con faggiole e stelline in gesso.
This is my Christmas tree! The inside structure is a cone made with a metal grid on which have been applied variously shaped pine cones.
I then refined the composition with absolutely handmade fabric roses, some decorative plastic stars obtained using a decoupage paper looking like a "chocolate chip ice cream". Finally, I added some decorations made with sorghum branches bonded together with bows of golden net, graced with beech nuts and plaster stars.